School council learns from principals about the start of the school year
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School council learns from principals about the start of the school year

The Walnut Township Local School District Board of Education met Sept. 9 in the Elementary Library. High School Liaison Thomas Cuyler introduced himself to the board. The board voted to go into executive session to consider public employee employment and compensation.

Elementary School Principal Kim Mathews reported a good start to the new school year. Mission and vision signs have arrived and are being hung, testing dates, photos, progress reports and the Mobile Dentist have been provided.

Junior/Senior High School Principal Mike Collins gave a report on the beginning of the school year. He discussed student enrollment, the Red Cross blood drive, discipline, and test scores.

Chief Inspector Radulovich presented a report on the district team meetings, security subsidies, work carried out during the summer, and modernization of facilities.

The next regular board meeting will be October 14 at 6:00 p.m. at the Laker Learning Center.

Elderly people

Fairfield Beach Senior Citizens met at noon Wednesday, September 11, at the American Legion Hall on Canal Drive in Millersport. Vice President Richard Neff introduced Julianna Kincaid of Senior Hub-Meals on Wheels, which offers more than 20 services to improve the quality of life for seniors and enable independent living for as long as it is safe to do so.

Following the presentation, a potluck luncheon was held for fifteen members and three guests. The club provided chicken as the main course.

Vice President Neff led the business meeting. Minutes and treasurer’s report approved. During the member comment period, reports were made about several members who are ill and unable to attend. Rosie Brookover, Jeff Dupler, Dave Holtz and Pam Ricketts were honored with September birthdays. Plans were made for upcoming meetings. The October meeting will be held at the IHOP in Lancaster at 9:00 a.m. Wednesday, October 9. Proposals were made for November and December meetings, and the November meeting was planned for Bob Evans in Hebron. Door prizes were won by Debbie Gant, Richard Neff, Drenille Keener, Roxanne Crocco, Bill Yates, Dave Holtz and Bruce Crocco.

Retired teachers

Millersport retirees attended the Fairfield County Retired Teachers Association meeting on September 10. The luncheon was held at noon at the Cheers Chalet in Lancaster. Members donated school supplies to be given to local county schools. President Tim Schumaker reminded the group that it was National TV Dinner Day. In 1953, CA Swanson & Sons changed the convenience food business forever by introducing the TV Dinner.

After a lunch of salad, chicken breast, red skin potatoes, green beans and cookies, President Schumaker provided very enjoyable entertainment in the form of the String Band. President Schumaker led a business meeting. Members were reminded of the Old Schoolhouse project. Retired teachers volunteered to greet at the Old Schoolhouse at the Fairfield County Fairgrounds during Fair Week.

The next meeting will be Tuesday, December 10 at noon at Cheers Chalet. Entertainment will be provided by the Fisher Catholic Choir, directed by Sharon Silleck. Members will be collecting hats, gloves, socks and underwear for infants up to size 16 to be donated to Maywood Mission. Donations will also be accepted for the Scholarship Fund. All retired teachers are welcome. Meals must be reserved and are $18.50. Please contact Marilene Culp at 740-654-5499 to make reservations by the Friday prior to the meeting.

This article originally appeared in the Lancaster Eagle-Gazette: Walnut Township school board hears from principals about start of school year